Yes, I'm out on a limb with this recipe. Putting fish in a lunchbox is a little dicey - there's always the risk that by lunchtime the fish smell will be overpowering not only your child but everyone else as well. Noone wants their kid to be in fishy exile for all of lunchtime! Having said that, it's not the first time I've developed a fish recipe for the lunchbox. You may remember my Tuna and … [Read more...]
Gluten-free Recipe: Chocolate and Ginger Brownies
Honestly, I didn't set out to make gluten-free brownies. I was actually thinking of this recipe as a biscuit-y slice. But when I'd mixed it up for the first time, I saw the brownie potential. I've never really aspired to develop my own brownie recipe - there's so many out there. Who needs another one? That being said, I have once before delved into the glorious world of chocolately fudge. I … [Read more...]
To be perfectly honest, I'm not in the mood for blogging this week. The end of winter has me feeling a little bit blah. One of my kids is sick, I'm a bit sleep deprived and, well, feeling blah. Blah blah blah. Rather than writing this post, I'd much prefer to be curled up on the sofa watching old episodes of ER (you know, the ones with Dr Ross, Dr Green, Dr Carter ...). So I thought I'd do a … [Read more...]
Gluten-free Recipe: Moroccan Carrot Cake
I've been more than a little obsessed with gluten-free carrot cake ever GF and Me, one of my favourite food blogs, posted their recipe for Spiced Carrot Cake. It's gluten-free and dairy free, but it was the picture of the cake that really intrigued me. Click through to see how beatifully moist that cake is. OMG. And what's more, it's got pineapple in it and coconut flour. A taste … [Read more...]
Gluten-free Recipe: Italian Style Cornbread
Woop de doop! I've stumbled onto something here! I am just a wee bit of excited about this recipe, especially after lacking inspiration for savoury fare for some time now. My family loved this cornbread and when I offered it to a friend and her daughter to try, they also loved it. Nothing better than a thumbs up from someone outside the family! The oil gives this slice a lovely crisp crust … [Read more...]