Yes, I'm out on a limb with this recipe. Putting fish in a lunchbox is a little dicey - there's always the risk that by lunchtime the fish smell will be overpowering not only your child but everyone else as well. Noone wants their kid to be in fishy exile for all of lunchtime! Having said that, it's not the first time I've developed a fish recipe for the lunchbox. You may remember my Tuna and … [Read more...]
Gluten-free Sushi Squares
It has to be said, as much as I love my kids and even though I'd do just about anything for them, I draw the line at rolling sushi for their lunchboxes. Don't get me wrong - I used to roll sushi, BC ("before children"). But almost a decade has passed since I was BC and along with it those carefree childless days of having buckets of time to spend perfecting foodie techniques. It's a shame, … [Read more...]
Gluten-free apricot popcorn clusters
Here's a quick and easy recess-time idea for you, but not suitable for younger children because popcorn can be a choking hazard. The trick is to use the freshest kernels you can get your hands on. I used rice malt syrup as a sweetener in this recipe. It's fructose-free, so a better choice than honey. But you can use honey if that's all you have, or if it's all your tastebuds will allow. … [Read more...]