You may have noticed that I don't do too much product promotion on this blog. But every now and again something comes up that is irresistible. So when the folks at décor asked me if I'd like to road test some of their lunchbox gear, I could hardly say no. After all, décor is an Australian brand synonymous with lunchboxes. And this is a blog about lunchboxes. When I was at … [Read more...]
Gluten-free Blueberry Coconut Cookies
Well, I'll be the first to admit that I struggle to make attractive-looking cookies. They usually taste great, but their appearance leaves a bit to be desired. When I was photographing these cookies earlier today, I had three little helpers surrounding me telling me how to make them look better. I don't think their advice really helped - there was a fair amount of styling and light … [Read more...]
Gluten-free Raspberry and Orange Christmas Cookies
Ah, right ... there's nothing like coming up empty just at the time I'm meant to be posting a new recipe. And this week I've got nothing, nada, zilch. There was meant to be something - a great savoury recipe, in fact. A little something for the lunchbox that I think will go down a treat with the kids. But it's not quite right yet, so I'll carry on working it out in the hope that I can post it … [Read more...]