Righty-ho, I know this is a food blog, and this post isn’t about food, but I’ve been thinking lately that I don’t really post much personal stuff on my blog. I thought I might make a change this year and every now and again tell you what I’ve been up to.
I was completely distracted from cooking this weekend, so I thought I’d seize the opportunity and start on this new resolution right away.
Here’s how it unfolded.
A little while ago, we noticed some dampness in our shower wall. Two (TWO!) plumbers, independent of one another, told us that the shower needed resealing. But it wasn’t until we got a builder in late last week that it was confirmed that there is a water pipe leaking into our wall. Yowzers. YOWZERS!
There are two affected walls – one adjoins a bedroom and the other the linen cupboard, in which there was a damp smell of increasing intensity. YOWZERS!
That led me to unpack the entire cupboard and so I now have stuff all over the house, including all our linen, which is now temporarily stored on the sofa in our bedroom, as you can see in the picture above. As you can imagine, it’s chaotic at the moment.
Anyway, you don’t do a major unpack like that without ditching stuff. And once I got into that, I was bitten by the spring-cleaning bug (well, it’s Autumn here, but it’s spring somewhere in the world).
And once that happened, I decided to take full advantage. Sorry, I decided to shamelessly take full advantage. You see, my birthday was on Saturday, so I declared the day a working bee, in which all family members were required to participate. Well, they could hardly say no on my birthday, could they?
My husband and I dubbed it the “Things that Sh*t Me Working Bee”.
In other words, all the things that have been really annoying us for ages were put on the list to be dealt with. Even my parents came to help.
The day was a resounding success. We dealt with bike tyres, flat batteries, the garage door, sorted all the kids’ clothes, cleaned ceilings, walls and exhaust fans and even repaired cupboard doors. Basically, all the things we’ve never managed to get to because we’re always too busy or too tired to get around to it.
It was a great birthday present, especially because I spent a good chunk of time having a glorious pedicure. Well, a little luxury is important too, especially on one’s birthday.
So now, even though my house is in total disarray, I know that when that pipe has been fixed and everything is returned to its rightful spot, I will really notice the difference.
But the best bit is this: When I posted this working bee idea on social media, a couple of people shared it, saying that that’s what they wanted for their birthdays. Maybe we’re one viral campaign away from worldwide domination of things that sh*t us.
And that, my friends, is gold.
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