Sometimes, just one small thing, one simple but fantastic invention, is just the ticket for making life easier.
When my eldest child was a baby, my friend Katrina put me onto disposable steriliser bags for baby bottles – a revelation. Not having to pack the bottle steriliser every time we went away just made things so much easier, not to mention that the bags took up a fraction of the space.
So when I came across Toastbags, I was delighted. Toastbags allow you to toast bread easily, in a gluten-contaminated toaster, without risking contamination to your precious (and expensive) gluten-free bread. No need to cart around your own gluten-free toaster, no need to crank up the grill and hover over your bread to turn it before it burns.
Simply put the bread in the bag, the bag in the toaster, and wait for it to pop up. You can even toast sandwiches, either in the toaster, or on a sandwich press.
The bags are reusable and easily cleaned, although I wouldn’t recommend using them on a daily basis. But, hey, when you’re away from home, why not make life that little bit easier?
There are a variety of brands on the market, so have a trawl around the internet, or contact your local Coeliac society.
Di says
A great idea, as I can attest.
thglutenfree says
Ah yes indeed, a brilliant tool! Can’t do without them!